2. Why did i choose my major?
Hi! That is the second part of the journey that these publications will be. yey
Well, when I was a kid I wanted to be a lot of things (I think like most people) I wanted to be a doctor (forensic or neurologist), a historian, a singer, an author, and that's what I remember as the most important.
From the beginning I wanted to dedicate myself to an area that was related to history, but the idea of being a teacher was never one of my options, so that pushed me to seek from what points can be approached history and in turn put it under a constant focus of research. Chan chan and that's when I found Anthropology. At the time of applying I did not have any other option in mind, in fact in my first attempt I applied to the Universidad de Concepción, and I was selected, but finally I left that option aside because it was not economically viable.
At the moment I have not decided on a specialty because I want to try to do the double major, which would be in social anthropology and bioanthropology, both specialties seem wonderful to me and the way the professors have presented them to us has made me fall more and more in love with those two.
University life?
My experience at the moment can be described as chaotic, I am a person who takes medication and the whole first semester I was getting used to the medication so everything was chaotic.... I honestly think I have just connected a little more with what is going on around me. Other than that, it has been a very rewarding experience, I think everyone in the major has been very friendly and welcoming (sorry if I have stared too hard at someone, I'm not good at entering into conversation) and the major is exactly what I expected/wanted, so that has helped me a lot to want to continue in the same.
And those are literally the only photos I've ever taken.
See u!
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