1. - Who am I? |・)ノ

    Hi! I'm Liliana, I don't really like to much that name, so I prefer Lily to refer to me and in the next blog it's for a presentation and go walk togheter in the short path of existence.

Let's characterize the character

    I'm very distracted, and you can see that because I posted the message in the platform without reading the teacher's post, and in the honor of that, I decided write the blog in a bit of chaotic way. And besides, I'm INFP (the crybaby) I have AD (very recently diagnosed) and I don't believe in signs, but if you want to know, I'm virgo.

    I was born a unlucky day of september, to be exact, on the 9th. That's why when i was young never come my friends to my birthday because for me is really difficult to make friends. And also I'm little hater. 

    I grew up in Cerrillos, in a lower class family with my grandparents, my mom and my two little sisters. Indeed, common family in Chile. My grandmother was a lady who was born in Valdivia and was a tall lady who laughed at everything and my grandpa was a man who was born in Renaico and was a short men with a bad character, they are both currently dead, but for me my grandpa is my father,

   One thing I quite like about Cerrillos is that it is very windy and, as its name says, it is full of hills. I went through for five schools for different situations and that's why I think I'm a pretty adaptable person.

                                                  Cerrillos in RM.

I love cats, when I was young my father used to give me cats that he found on the street or that the neighbors gave away. Along the same lines, my gf's cat was having a birthday and that's the photo.

Ophelia  and also  

  Jon Oslo (This cat one day got electrocuted by sucking on a cable and bit me because he got mad at me.)

My father and his mother (She died at the age of 99)


Todo condicionamiento tiende a esto: a lograr que la gente ame su inevitable destino social. Aldous Huxley, Un mundo feliz.

A quote from my favorite book, Brave New World.

See u, everyone!



  1. Nice to meet you Liliana, it's interesting your story with the cats. I understand your love for the animals, because I love dogs.

  2. Hi Lily! woow your birthday is coming up soon! I have never been to Cerrillos but i can not wait to see all its hills.
    PS: your cats are very cute ♡

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  5. Hi Lily, I loved your post, I really enjoyed read it. I liked a lot the detail of the font, I think it was really you, unique, caothic (obviously not in a bad way) and fun! I'm counting the days to read more from u, lysm!

  6. Hi Lily! I really liked what you wrote about yourself and how you did it (you are super creative). I liked seeing the pictures of your cats, hopefully you will upload more pictures of them!!!!


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